Blog Post

Sukkot Crafts

Kari Ragan • November 1, 2023

Sukkot Crafts for Kids

Easy DIY projects for you and your little ones

My eldest son is almost three this year, so for Sukkot I decided to pick up some craft supplies to make some Sukkah decorations with our cousins. They really enjoyed it. I loved seeing how each child decorated their sukkah. Another cup of joy during our festive celebration.

Craft | Who’s in the Sukkah?

Supplies Needed:

  • Photo 
  • Card-stock 
  • Stickers 
  • Popsicle sticks
  • Greenery (I used a decorative branch, but finding something outside is a great option too!)
  • Hot glue gun (for the greenery) 
  • Tacky glue (for the popsicle sticks)
  • Stick glue (for the card-stock and photo)
  • Scissors 


I started by cutting an “L” in the card-stock to create a door. Based on age, I either cut out the door for my kids or drew pencil lines and had them do the cutting. 

Every kid loves doing their own glue, so that’s where the glue sticks came in handy to have them paste on their photo, and glue the card-stock together. 

To save time, and keep things rolling I added the branches of greenery with a hot glue gun. If fingers must be burned, let them be mine, lol. I opted for faux greenery, but picking something fresh from out of doors would be more budget friendly. In the original inspiration photo I found on Pinterest (Who’s in the Sukkah? — ) they used torn up green paper which is a great idea too. 

You don’t need to have three types of glue, but because I did I put tacky glue lines on the card-stock for the kids to place on their own popsicle sticks. 

The stickers were a lot of fun. Since we live a bit rurally and sukkot always seems like a big campout anyways, I opted for woodland animals, fall leaves and a sheet of breakfast/camping stickers. 

If you make these, please share your photo with us on Instagram! I’d love to see! 

Craft | Beaded Leaf Garland

This was my Pinterest inspiration for this craft: 

I searched several stores for dried oranges to no avail. They are available on Amazon, but a bit pricey. If this craft had been for adults I think the dried oranges would have been a must. But, the kids were thrilled with the beads and leaves. 

While this photo shows multiple strings attached to a stick, I just had the kids thread one string with beads and leaves. I left about 6” of space between each bead and leaf just so everyone got a chance to do this craft. 

Supplies Needed:

  • Wooden Beads
  • Leaves - plastic, Dollarama 
  • Leaves - felt, Michael’s 
  • String / Yarn
  • Large needles (plastic canvas type)
  • Scissors 

Budget Friendly Tips:

Start by accessing what you already have in your craft supplies, and get creative about what you could use instead! Example: instead of the faux greenery for the roof, use torn up green paper or outdoor greenery. 

I’m always shocked what you can find at the dollar store. I should have walked in there with my list before going to Michael’s. Some items I had on hand, but what I didn’t have I purchased at Michael’s and Dollarama. 

If I’d planned a little more in advance, I’d have ordered the beads on Amazon, and collected and dried leaves for the garlands. Possibly have purchased the stickers online too, but lets be honest I love an excuse to walk through Michael’s. 


If you make these, please share your photo with us on Instagram! I’d love to see! 

Shalom and Blessings, 


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