Blog Post

Nap Time: Creating a Sacred Space

Kari Ragan • January 20, 2023

Any mama will tell you that nap time is sacred. 

There are just a few windows of time in a week that I can fully turn my thoughts to something I need (or want) to attend to. And, nap time is one of them. 

Both of my little boys, ages two and six months, are asleep.

I light a match.

A sacred space has been created with that burst of flame. A separation between the noisy joy of little ones, and the quiet calm of nap time. They are asleep, and mama is wide awake. 

Frantic Thoughts

I’d like to say that I enter into a meditative rest, nestling into the couch and opening my books. And, some days that is true.

More often than not though, rather than a bird at rest I feel like a frantic squirrel in autumn, “Must gather all the nuts before winter!” Only my hurried thoughts run more akin to, “Must do all the things before they wake!” 

I’ve been wrestling of late with what a nap time well spent looks like. 

Some days, I do have things I need to do. Things that I need to be fully present for mentally… like meal planning and making a grocery list. Or working on our family budget. Other days I can just completely let go of time and space, and lose myself in the flow of a creative project, usually to the lull of an audio book. But, I think that either all work or all play is not the most effective use of this time. 

Frayed Souls

Our souls can become so very frayed, worn thread bare with the constant giving out. I love my family, and each of the relationships God has given. And I love my work as wife, mama and homemaker. And it’s these roles that I long to show up for fully present and engaged. Not with a mind like a computer screen with 25 tabs open… and my thoughts bouncing around like a ping pong ball… everywhere and no where, fully. 

Of late I’ve been trying to journal and do my scripture/devotional reading. I find that the most restorative way to spend these precious moments of quiet is to give priority, the very first place to something soul-mending.

Like mending a hole in a sweater, spending some time on a creative project need not take two hours. Rather, 30-45 minutes spent on something for sheer pleasure. Something quiet where your thoughts are settled, focused in on one thing. 

I watch my candle light flicker.

When was the last time I let myself just sit for a whole minute just watching a flame burn bright? Swaying, glowing, purifying the air (thanks beeswax!). 

And then, once I feel centered, I like to pull out my to do list and figure out what is the task(s) I need to devote the remainder of nap time to. 

Finding Balance

Some days I do feel resentful when they wake.

I know I haven’t spent nap time well. I’ve been the squirrel, all hurry and no rest.

Other days, I am whole. Ready to engage with them. Letting my two year old “help” with mama’s work. Holding my baby, and showing up with ready willingness for every diaper change. They're people too, though oh so little. They have wants, needs and desires. And, they look to mama to meet them.

The eb and flow, learning to find balance. 

  • Light a candle, create a sacred space
  • Alot some time for soul-mending
  • Review your list(s), what is reasonable for today?
  • Turn to the “must do” task(s)
  • Greet your waking babies with fullness of joy

These are some things that have helped me as I seek to find a rhythm for how to utilize nap time well. If you’re a momma reading this, I’d love to hear in the comments below what has worked well for you. 

May you walk in grace this day.



Just for fun, did you spot the gummies tucked into the corner of this photo?

Those are waiting there for a little monkey when he wakes from his nap :)

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