



Come join us for a time of refreshing with celebration, worship and fellowship. Be revived with fellow believers in Messiah Yeshua, celebrate in dance, sing songs in worship, and encourage each other in fellowship.

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.

1 Thessalonians 5:11


We will be opening up our gatherings with messianic/israeli dance. So bring your dancing shoes, join the circle and celebrate with us in fun and energetic dance! 


We are called to worship in spirit and truth! So let there be joy as we gather together in singing songs of praise and devotion to our God.


How good it is when brothers dwell together in unity. We are prompted in the scriptures to encourage one another with psalms and spirtual songs. Come with a joyful heart to uplift the rest of the body of the Messiah. 
Countdown finished!

...Until The Next Chayah Gathering

Where & When

To Be Announced
To Be announced


Our goal in hosting this event is souly to come together with one mind to worship our God and Saviour in spirit and in truth. We love to be in the presence of YHVH and lift His name high. That is why we have called these meetings "Chayah" meaning revive, with the goal of praising our King and encouraging one another in the faith. So come join us and be REVIVED! 
What to Expect
Chayah gatherings start with praise and worship and then transition over to a time of Hebraic/messianic dancing. 

Our time of dancing starts with dances that young children will enjoy and gradually move to more technical dances.

We then end with a time of fellowship and refreshments.

This is a family-friendly event. A large playground is located on the grounds and viewable from the gathering room. 
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