Blog Post

Aeropress Maple Latte

Adam Ragan • December 31, 2020

The Quick & Simple Way

I am going to share with you one of my wife’s favorite hot drinks over the winter season. It’s pretty simple to make and only takes a few tools.

I am not a barista by any means and only know enough about coffee to make me dangerous. In this video, I will be taking a simpler and more relaxed approach to this tasty cup of comfort.

What you will need:

  • An Aeropress
  • A coffee grinder
  • Milk frother (This can be any type of brother. It can be a handheld or even a French press can froth milk.)
  • A measuring cup
  • A teaspoon
  • A hot water kettle (Having a goose neck kettle makes the pouring easier, but it's not essential.)
  • And your favorite mug (With my wife you got to have favorites!)


  • Coffee
  • Full fat milk
  • Maple syrup


Start by heating your kettle to 195 to 200 degrees. No worries if you can’t set your kettle to a specific temperature, but if you can, GREAT! The temperature of your water can aid in the flavor of your coffee.

Next, you want to grind your coffee beans to a fine to medium-fine ground. You are going to essentially be making two shots to go into your Latte.

Next, assemble your Aeropress with the chamber, filter, and filter cap. Place it over your favorite mug. You will see guys who are really into their brew rinse the paper filter before adding the coffee grounds to the Aeropress chamber. I have not been doing this. I think I would have to have more sensitive tastebuds to add this step.

Using the scoop that came with your Aeropress, place two slightly heaping scoops of the coffee grounds into the Aeropress chamber. Add your hot water to the chamber up to the number 2 on the side of the chamber. Adding water up to the 2 is the equivalent of a 1/2 a cup of water.

With the stirring paddle give the grounds a quick stir and then insert the plunger at an angle into the chamber. Then retract the plunger slightly to create a vacuum to prevent the water from seeping through the filter allowing the coffee to brew. Allow the grounds to brew for a full minute.

After the 60 seconds for brewing is completed press the plunger down slowly for 20 to 30 seconds. After you finish the press it’s a good practice to empty the grounds and clean the filter cap, chamber and plunger right after. 

A quick tip: Because the chamber of the Aeropress is transparent you can see the number 2 from the inside. Looking through the inside of the chamber makes it much easier to aim while pouring your water and watching the water level rise.

A quick tip:  You don’t want to store your Aeropress with the plunger half way inserted in the chamber. This can damage the rubber seal which will then need to be replaced. 

After the 60 seconds for brewing is completed press the plunger down slowly for 20 to 30 seconds. After you finish the press it’s a good practice to empty the grounds and clean the filter cap, chamber and plunger right after.

Now you will heat and froth your milk. Add 1 1/2 cups of milk and the 4 tsp of maple syrup to your frother and turn it on. You can also heat your milk on the stove and use a small hand frother or after the milk is heated place it inside a French press and plunge the filter multiple times to create the froth.

Add your milk and foam to your espresso and VOILA! Your Maple Latte!

Now turn on some smooth jazz, find a comfy place on the couch with a blanket, and enjoy!

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